Saturday, April 15, 2006


This is the first weekend in a LONG time that our family hasn't had major plans. I am really enjoying it. It's 4:30 pm and most of us are still in our PJ's. (Isa decided that today she'd just prefer to run around in just a diaper - we tried big-girl panties for a while but she peed in them just so we'd put her diaper back on. I think I'm more ready for patty training than she is!) Anyway, later this afternoon we're going over to the Bailey's house to dye eggs with all the kids. That's the most planning we've got going all weekend.

Yesterday we saw a good Friday procession and had a great conversation with Abigail about why Jesus died and what it is that we're celebrating. It's great.

I should go now, all the grocery stores were closed on Thurs and Friday for the holy days, so I've got to go and get stuff for tomorrow (once again, everything is closed) before we go to the Bailey's. Thanks to all of you out there who exported to us Easter grass, jelly beans, plastic eggs, etc.

Happy Easter!

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