Friday, August 17, 2007

I blog a ton

No, really, I do. Or at least I come up with tons of great posts while I am running. Once I get into a groove and my body isn't protesting so much that I have to will myself just to put one foot in front of the other, then my mind starts to wander a bit. I don't know how many times my mind has mulled over a great quote or an issue or a verse, and I've been so sure that it would be the best post for this blog, only to return, shower, and get sucked back into daily life where my great post fizzles out. I have done some of my best blogging while out jogging.

I also am able to pray while I'm jogging. During the day my mind is so distracted that quiet moments to pray are rare. But while I'm out running, the hard work and rhythm of the breathing and footfalls allow my mind to focus. Friends in need, things in my life God is trying to work out, our marriage, our kids, our world, things I'm thankful for, things I'm repenting of. . . it's easy to sink into it and forget how far I've run, or how long I've been praying for.

I used to pray and think a lot in the pool, too. Something about distracting my body with something challenging and repetitive really allows my mind to dig in - whether it is some yet-to-be-typed blog post or talking to Jesus. Good thing for me that prayer works nothing like blogger - no logging in, passwords, or computers required!

1 comment:

betty said...

Me alegra tenerte de regreso en tu blog; pero si bien es más complicado que rezar, yo te lo pienso complicar más ya que estoy segura que no eres bilíngüe en tus rezos pero tenía entendido que lo pensabas ser en tus entradas del blog...(ji-ji-jí) que mala soy,eh? Te quiero y verte de nuevo en el blog me da a entender que vuestra vida ya se está calmando, y estais retomando vuestro día a día familiar. BICOS y otra vez bienvenida.