Thursday, September 15, 2005

resolutions. . . checking in

1. Finish Abigail's "Baby's First Year" scrapbook (yes, I know, she's 3 1/2)

2. Start Isa's "Baby's First Year" scrapbook and finish at least six months worth

I haven't done any scrapbooking at all. I hoping that I'll be more motivated to do this when the rainy weather settles in.

3. Finish reading the Harry Potter series in Spanish (it's fun and I build my vocab with cool words like "potion" and "enchanted")
Last week I finished book 5. I'm now waiting for our library to get the latest one in.

4. Eat fish at least once a week
We've done OK on this one. More like twice a month than once a week, but it's a start. And last week, the Stribs came over and Scott smoked a salmon on our grill on top of a cedar plank. Now I could eat fish like that every day!

5. Work at least once a week in the café
I've taken over one of Matt's shifts a week and this has been great. I love being in the café, talking to people, serving people, getting to know the staff better. It's fantastic.

6. Keep a regular prayer journal
slightly irregular

7. Keep my email inbox cleaned out by responding promptly
Not doing so hot. I have 6 unread out of the 34 in my inbox. It's a mess.

8. Play more with the girls
This has been fun. Abigail is into making crowns out of construction paper so she and all of her friends can be princes and princesses. Isa also loves to read books with me.

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